About Me

Hi Party People!! My name is Ashley and I’m the owner of Hudson Grey Events. I’m a mom to two wild and loving boys, a wife to the most supportive man in the world and as of 2019, a small business owner! I’ve always loved party planning, but I especially fell in love with party design after becoming a mom. Putting something together that was personal and memorable for each of my boys’ special day of the year was so important to me. And after my youngest’s 3rd birthday in January of 2019, I knew I couldn’t wait until June to throw another party. So, I did it, I came up with a business name built from the very two reasons I fell in love with party planning - my boys, Hudson and Greyson. I still sit down with each boy a few months in advance of their birthdays to discuss their party. They always have input on their theme! These simple conversations mean the world to me as I watch the excitement grow on their face while we dream up the celebration ahead! And with Hudson Grey Events, that’s exactly what I want to share with you! I want to help make your child’s birthday as personal and unique as they are while eliminating the stress of doing so. The same can be said for any special occasion or event you want to celebrate!

I love to plan. I love to prep. And your only job is to enjoy the party!